I grew up in Portland, and I love it. Here’s why I’m never moving back, even though I can work from anywhere.

A collage of images focused on Portland, Oregon, including the Portlandia statue, people protesting, a pink flamingo, people hiking and walking their dog.

Summary List Placement

It was around the time of the second baby that we started to think about where to settle down. For many years my wife and I had pursued the semi-itinerant lifestyle of freelance workers. Place was a liquid commodity. We changed apartments every year or two. The one consistency was the summertime, when we’d fly back to Portland, Oregon, and stay with my parents for a few weeks, in the house where I grew up.

It’s an old house, about 100 years old, on a terraced hill overlooking the Willamette River. Air-conditioning is provided by read more ⇒

Source:: BusinessInsider.Com

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