I paid $22 to walk across the famous glass bridge that spans China’s ‘Grand Canyon,’ and it was the worst experience I had in a year of traveling the world for work

ZhangjiajieGlassBridge (28 of 35)

  • I left New York a year ago to travel around the world as Business Insider’s international correspondent. While I’ve had some epic adventures, some bucket-list attractions were overpriced, uninspiring, overcrowded, or just plain boring.
  • The worst offender was the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge in China, the longest and highest glass bridge in the world.
  • While the scenery was beautiful, the site was overrun with tourists, the tickets were overpriced, the glass was so scuffed it was hard to see to the floor below, and it was hard to see any point to read more >>>

    Source : BusinessInsider.Com

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