LGBTQ+-friendly resort amenities and services are becoming mainstream as luxury destinations improve efforts to attract this group of travelers with trillions in purchasing power

Two men sitting on a bed in robes on a laptop with a coffee cup

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Simon Mayle booked the trip on a whim. Living in Brazil with his husband, Eduardo, the English entrepreneur finally decided to visit Iguazu Falls, the spectacular waterfalls straddling the border with Argentina.

He reserved a room online at the luxury resort Belmond Hotel das Cataratas — suites with views over the falls can cost $600 a night or more. The couple checked in and quickly rushed to the park. Keen to see the waterfalls up close, they left their suite largely untouched.

But Mayle had noticed one detail on arrival: flip-flops next to the bed — read more ⇒

Source:: BusinessInsider.Com

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