‘They’re trying to make their money back by hurting us’: Hotel staff are struggling to find work as their industry rebounds without them

protestors in masks and red shirts at a Unite Here protest calling on hotels to bring back workers furloughed during the pandemic

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Meybel Landaverde has grappled with a tough calculus in the 18 months she has been unemployed.

“I had to decide which bill was more important than others,” she said. “I was talking to my car insurance company all the time to see if they’d give me more time to figure out how I can pay them.”

Landaverde was furloughed last March from her job as a host at the Urban Tavern restaurant at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square, where she has worked for roughly 17 years. She is one of hundreds of thousands of hotel workers, read more ⇒

Source:: BusinessInsider.Com

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